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A student uses the IPearl Immersion Theater

Prospective Students

Join our pack. Explore program offerings and learn how to apply.

Admission Information

Ready to apply? Prospective students must submit an online application for admission to NC State’s Graduate School. Admission requirements include:

  • An undergraduate baccalaureate degree.
  • An online application and fee.
  • A personal statement.
  • A concentration plan.
  • Three references, a resume and transcripts from any undergraduate or graduate institutions attended.

We are currently accepting applications for Spring and Summer 2025.

Various kinds of financial aid are available through the University Financial Aid office, mostly in the form of subsidized loans and on-campus jobs. Browse through the numerous fellowships and scholarships that may be available.

Accelerated Bachelor’s-Master’s Program

Work toward your MALS degree while completing your bachelor’s. The Accelerated Bachelor’s-Master’s program (ABM) allows 12 undergraduate credit hours to count toward both your bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

In order to apply, applicants must have had completed 75 credit hours in their undergraduate program and have at least a 3.5 GPA. Applicants must meet with MALS director Amanda Edwards during their junior year, and continue to work with him and with the undergraduate program director to plan their ABM track.